Industrial Designer
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REAXTIONS Children’s STEM Activity Toy 2018 Spin Master Sponsored School Project



REAXTIONS is an activity-based learning toy designed to teach kids the basics of STEM through play. Designing REAXTIONS was a collaborative effort with myself and Drake Birmann for a Spinmaster sponsored studio class project.



We took inspiration from our own childhoods as well as current market trends and insights from Spin Master. To aid in the success of our design we chose an age rage and gender to focus our design on. REAXTIONS is designed for boys age 4-7.



A marble would be used as the vessel to carry the kinetic energy through the play set. Pieces were originally designed to fit into a playing board. After going through the concept we decided to pivot and lose the playing board in favour of having the pieces farther apart to allow for more freedom of play.

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Concept Development

As the concept developed we ditched the marble as it limited the types of toy pieces we could design. To complete the kinetic reaction kids would have to experiment with trial on error until they got it right. Bringing the design into CAD, we were able to get a better understanding of the relationships between each piece in the set.


Concept Refinement

We took critiques from our concept development and stylized our toy to be visually more in line with our target market.


To sell our idea we created a commercial marketed towards kids of our target age range and gender. We were super happy with the end result and REAXTIONS was awarded 3rd place from the Spin Master judges.