Industrial Designer
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“Ideal Manifestation”

Leather carrier bag with “wax seal” snap closure.

2015 was my first exposure to woodworking with power tools, and the concept of ergonomics. Developed my creative problem solving skills and patience. 2016 was when I further developed my woodworking skills, introduced to collaboration within design, learned the balancing act of teamwork, and the importance of good communication. In 2017 I dove into the world of CAD, made my first fully functioning prototype with an exterior vendor, went to industry professionals for their expertise and guidance. Experienced and learned from frustration within the creative process. 2018 was when I began to push myself out of my comfort zone. I challenged myself with self teaching and exploring my passions within the world of design. I just barely landed my first internship and got my first taste of the real world. I didn’t know it at the time but I was very lost and had a lot of work to do to make it in the real world. 2019 was a tough year. I felt accomplished with completing my most challenging self guided project to date, my thesis, but the sense of accomplishment quickly faded as the post-school-real-world smacked me in the face once again. Reflecting back on my years at school I realize that my professors taught me a lot but also left a lot to be desired. Picking up where they left off has been a challenge to say the least. Finding myself and carving out my own path in this mess of a world has been a journey. I ended 2019 on a high note but that was very short lived. Buckle up, here comes 2020. 2020 was a continuation of the tough year that 2019 was. I hunkered down and expanded on my CAD and rendering knowledge tenfold but feeling stuck, lost and downright hopeless at times was the major theme of the year. I pushed through and gave it my all and ended 2020 once again pushing myself outside of my comfort zone with the goal of making big changes for myself in 2021.